





  • adjustLastColumnIndex( table, dimensions = { dimensions.firstColumn, dimensions.firstRow, dimensions.lastColumn, dimensions.lastRow } ) → number

    Returns adjusted last column index if selection covers part of a column with empty slots (spanned by other cells). The dimensions.lastColumn is equal to last column index but selection might be bigger.

    This happens only on rectangular selection so we analyze a case like this:

      0   1   2   3
    | a             |
    | b | c | d     |
    | e     | f     |
    | g | h         |
             last column, each cell has colspan = 2, so we need to return 3, not 2


    table : Element
    dimensions : object
    dimensions.firstColumn : number
    dimensions.firstRow : number
    dimensions.lastColumn : number
    dimensions.lastRow : number



    Adjusted last column index.

  • adjustLastRowIndex( table, dimensions = { dimensions.firstColumn, dimensions.firstRow, dimensions.lastColumn, dimensions.lastRow } ) → number

    Returns adjusted last row index if selection covers part of a row with empty slots (spanned by other cells). The dimensions.lastRow is equal to last row index but selection might be bigger.

    This happens only on rectangular selection so we analyze a case like this:

     0 | a | b | c | d |
       +   +   +---+---+
     1 |   | e | f | g |
       +   +---+   +---+
     2 |   | h |   | i | <- last row, each cell has rowspan = 2,
       +   +   +   +   +    so we need to return 3, not 2
     3 |   |   |   |   |


    table : Element
    dimensions : object
    dimensions.firstColumn : number
    dimensions.firstRow : number
    dimensions.lastColumn : number
    dimensions.lastRow : number



    Adjusted last row index.

  • cropTableToDimensions( sourceTable, cropDimensions = { cropDimensions.endColumn, cropDimensions.endRow, cropDimensions.startColumn, cropDimensions.startRow }, writer ) → Element

    Returns a cropped table according to given dimensions.

    To return a cropped table that starts at first row and first column and end in third row and column:

    const croppedTable = cropTableToDimensions( table, {
      startRow: 1,
      endRow: 3,
      startColumn: 1,
      endColumn: 3
    }, writer );

    Calling the code above for the table below:

       0   1   2   3   4                      0   1   2

    0 │ a │ b │ c │ d │ e │ ├───┴───┤ ├───┴───┤ ┌───┬───┬───┐ 1 │ f │ │ g │ │ │ │ g │ 0 ├───┬───┴───┼───┬───┤ will return: ├───┴───┼───┤ 2 │ h │ i │ j │ k │ │ i │ j │ 1 ├───┤ ├───┤ │ │ ├───┤ 3 │ l │ │ m │ │ │ │ m │ 2 ├───┼───┬───┤ ├───┤ └───────┴───┘ 4 │ n │ o │ p │ │ q │ └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘


    sourceTable : Element
    cropDimensions : object
    cropDimensions.endColumn : number
    cropDimensions.endRow : number
    cropDimensions.startColumn : number
    cropDimensions.startRow : number
    writer : Writer


  • getHorizontallyOverlappingCells( table, overlapColumn ) → Array<TableSlot>

    Returns slot info of cells that starts before and overlaps a given column.

    In a table below, passing overlapColumn = 3

    0 1 2 3 4 ┌───────┬───────┬───┐ │ a │ b │ c │ │───┬───┴───────┼───┤ │ d │ e │ f │ ├───┼───┬───────┴───┤ │ g │ h │ i │ ├───┼───┼───┬───────┤ │ j │ k │ l │ m │ ├───┼───┴───┼───┬───┤ │ n │ o │ p │ q │ └───┴───────┴───┴───┘ ^ Overlap column to check

    will return slot info for cells: "b", "e", "i".


    table : Element

    The table to check.

    overlapColumn : number

    The index of the column to check.


  • getVerticallyOverlappingCells( table, overlapRow, startRow ) → Array<TableSlot>

    Returns slot info of cells that starts above and overlaps a given row.

    In a table below, passing overlapRow = 3


    0 │ a │ b │ c │ d │ e │ │ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤ 1 │ │ f │ g │ h │ i │ ├───┤ ├───┼───┤ │ 2 │ j │ │ k │ l │ │ │ │ │ ├───┼───┤ 3 │ │ │ │ m │ n │ <- overlap row to check ├───┼───┤ │ ├───│ 4 │ o │ p │ │ │ q │ └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘

    will return slot info for cells: "j", "f", "k".


    table : Element

    The table to check.

    overlapRow : number

    The index of the row to check.

    startRow : number

    row to start analysis. Use it when it is known that the cells above that row will not overlap. Default value is 0.

    Defaults to 0


  • internal

    removeEmptyColumns( table, tableUtils ) → boolean

    Removes columns that have no cells anchored.

    In table below:

    | 00 | 01      | 03 | 04      | 06 |
    +----+----+----+----+         +----+
    | 10 | 11      | 13 |         | 16 |
    | 20 | 21      | 23 | 24      | 26 |
                 ^--- empty ---^

    Will remove columns 2 and 5.

    Note: This is a low-level helper method for clearing invalid model state when doing table modifications. To remove a column from a table use TableUtils.removeColumns().


    table : Element
    tableUtils : TableUtils



    True if removed some columns.

  • internal

    removeEmptyRows( table, tableUtils ) → boolean

    Removes rows that have no cells anchored.

    In table below:

    | 00 | 01 | 02 |
    | 10 | 11 | 12 |
    +    +    +    +
    |    |    |    | <-- empty
    | 30 | 31 | 32 |
    | 40      | 42 |
    +         +    +
    |         |    | <-- empty
    | 60 | 61 | 62 |

    Will remove rows 2 and 5.

    Note: This is a low-level helper method for clearing invalid model state when doing table modifications. To remove a row from a table use TableUtils.removeRows().


    table : Element
    tableUtils : TableUtils



    True if removed some rows.

  • internal

    removeEmptyRowsColumns( table, tableUtils ) → void

    Removes rows and columns that have no cells anchored.

    In table below:

    | 00      | 02      |
    +----+----+         +
    | 10      |         |
    | 20      | 22 | 23 |
    +         +    +    +
    |         |    |    | <-- empty row
            ^--- empty column

    Will remove row 3 and column 1.

    Note: This is a low-level helper method for clearing invalid model state when doing table modifications. To remove a rows from a table use TableUtils.removeRows() and TableUtils.removeColumns() to remove a column.


    table : Element
    tableUtils : TableUtils


  • splitHorizontally( tableCell, splitRow, writer ) → Element | null

    Splits the table cell horizontally.


    tableCell : Element
    splitRow : number
    writer : Writer


    Element | null

    Created table cell, if any were created.

  • splitVertically( tableCell, columnIndex, splitColumn, writer ) → Element

    Splits the table cell vertically.


    tableCell : Element
    columnIndex : number

    The table cell column index.

    splitColumn : number

    The index of column to split cell on.

    writer : Writer



    Created table cell.

  • trimTableCellIfNeeded( tableCell, cellRow, cellColumn, limitRow, limitColumn, writer ) → void

    Adjusts table cell dimensions to not exceed limit row and column.

    If table cell width (or height) covers a column (or row) that is after a limit column (or row) this method will trim "colspan" (or "rowspan") attribute so the table cell will fit in a defined limits.


    tableCell : Element
    cellRow : number
    cellColumn : number
    limitRow : number
    limitColumn : number
    writer : Writer

