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class since 4.6.1

The namespace with helper functions and polyfills for arrays.



  • every( array, fn, [ thisArg ] ) → Boolean

    since 4.8.0

    Tests whether all elements in an array pass the test implemented by the provided function. Returns true if the provided array is empty.

    var every = this.array.every( [ 11, 22, 33, 44 ], function( value ) {
        return value > 10;
    } );
    console.log( every );
    // Logs: true


    array : Array
    fn : Function

    A function that gets called with each array item.

    value : Mixed

    The currently iterated array value.

    index : Number

    The index of the currently iterated value in an array.

    array : Array

    The original array passed as the array variable.

    [ thisArg ] : Mixed

    A context object for fn.

    Defaults to undefined



    Information whether all elements pass the test.

  • filter( array, fn, [ thisArg ] ) → Array

    Returns a copy of array filtered using the fn function. Any elements that the fn will return false for will get removed from the returned array.

    var filtered = this.array.filter( [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], function( value ) {
        // Leave only values equal or greater than 2.
        return value >= 2;
    } );
    console.log( filtered );
    // Logs: [ 2, 3 ]


    array : Array
    fn : Function

    A function that gets called with each array item. Any item that fn returned a false-alike value for will be filtered out of the array.

    value : Mixed

    The currently iterated array value.

    index : Number

    The index of the currently iterated value in an array.

    array : Array

    The original array passed as the array variable.

    [ thisArg ] : Mixed

    A context object for fn.

    Defaults to undefined



    The filtered array.

  • forEach( array, fn, [ thisArg ] )

    Iterates over every element in the array.


    array : Array

    An array to be iterated over.

    fn : Function

    The function called for every array element.

    value : Mixed

    The currently iterated array value.

    index : Number

    The index of the currently iterated value in an array.

    array : Array

    The original array passed as an array variable.

    [ thisArg ] : Mixed

    The context object for fn.

    Defaults to undefined

  • indexOf( array, value ) → Number

    Returns the index of an element in an array.

    var letters = [ 'a', 'b', 0, 'c', false ];
    alert( letters, '0' ) );        // -1 because 0 !== '0'
    alert( letters, false ) );      // 4 because 0 !== false


    array : Array

    The array to be searched.

    value : Object | Function

    The element to be found. This can be an evaluation function which receives a single parameter call for each entry in the array, returning true if the entry matches.



    The (zero-based) index of the first entry that matches the entry, or -1 if not found.

  • isArray( object ) → Boolean

    Checks if an object is an Array.

    alert( [] ) );      // true
    alert( 'Test' ) );  // false


    object : Object

    The object to be checked.



    true if the object is an Array, otherwise false.

  • map( array, fn, [ thisArg ] ) → Array

    since 4.6.2

    Applies a function to each element of an array and returns the array of results in the same order. Note the order of the parameters.


    array : Array

    An array of elements that fn is applied on.

    fn : Function

    A function with the signature a -> b.

    [ thisArg ] : Mixed

    The context object for fn.

    Defaults to undefined



    An array of mapped elements.

  • reduce( array, fn, initial, [ thisArg ] ) → Mixed

    since 4.6.2

    Applies a function against each value in an array storing the result in an accumulator passed to the next iteration. Note the order of the parameters.


    array : Array

    An array of elements that fn is applied on.

    fn : Function

    A function with the signature (accumulator, a, index, array) -> b.

    initial : Mixed

    Initial value of the accumulator.

    [ thisArg ] : Mixed

    The context object for fn.

    Defaults to undefined



    The final value of the accumulator.