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class singleton

Manages plugins registration and loading.



  • basePath : String

    The base directory containing all resources.

  • externals : Object

    Contains references to all resources that have already been registered with addExternal.

    Defaults to {}

  • fileName : String

    The name used for resource files.

  • loaded : Object

    Contains references to all resources that have already been loaded with load.

    Defaults to {}

  • registered : Object

    Contains references to all resources that have already been registered with add.

    Defaults to {}

  • widgetselection : Object

    since 4.6.1

    A set of helper methods for the Widget Selection plugin.

  • _ : Object


    Defaults to {waitingList: {}}

  • pastefromword : Object

    since 4.6.0 private

    Set of Paste from Word plugin helpers.

    Defaults to {}


  • constructor( basePath, fileName ) → resourceManager

    Creates a resourceManager class instance.


    basePath : String

    The path for the resources folder.

    fileName : String

    The name used for resource files.


  • add( name, [ definition ] )

    Registers a resource.

    CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample', { ... plugin definition ... } );


    name : String

    The resource name.

    [ definition ] : Object

    The resource definition. CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition

  • addExternal( names, path, [ fileName ] )

    Registers one or more resources to be loaded from an external path instead of the core base path.

    // Loads a plugin from '/myplugins/sample/plugin.js'.
    CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/' );
    // Loads a plugin from '/myplugins/sample/my_plugin.js'.
    CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/', 'my_plugin.js' );
    // Loads a plugin from '/myplugins/sample/my_plugin.js'.
    CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/my_plugin.js', '' );


    names : String

    The resource names, separated by commas.

    path : String

    The path of the folder containing the resource.

    [ fileName ] : String

    The resource file name. If not provided, the default name is used. If provided with a empty string, will implicitly indicates that path argument is already the full path.

  • get( name ) → Object

    Gets the definition of a specific resource.

    var definition = CKEDITOR.plugins.get( 'sample' );


    name : String

    The resource name.



    The registered object.

  • getFilePath( name ) → String

    Get the file path for a specific loaded resource.

    alert( CKEDITOR.plugins.getFilePath( 'sample' ) ); // '<editor path>/plugins/sample/plugin.js'


    name : String

    The resource name.


  • getPath( name ) → String

    Get the folder path for a specific loaded resource.

    alert( CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'sample' ) ); // '<editor path>/plugins/sample/'


    name : String

    The resource name.


  • load( name, callback, [ scope ] )

    Loads one or more resources.

    CKEDITOR.plugins.load( 'myplugin', function( plugins ) {
        alert( plugins[ 'myplugin' ] ); // object
    } );


    name : String | Array

    The name of the resource to load. It may be a string with a single resource name, or an array with several names.

    callback : Function

    A function to be called when all resources are loaded. The callback will receive an array containing all loaded names.

    [ scope ] : Object

    The scope object to be used for the callback call.

  • setLang( pluginName, languageCode, languageEntries )

    Loads a specific language file, or auto detect it. A callback is then called when the file gets loaded.

    CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'myPlugin', 'en', {
        title: 'My plugin',
        selectOption: 'Please select an option'
    } );


    pluginName : String

    The name of the plugin to which the provided translation should be attached.

    languageCode : String

    The code of the language translation provided.

    languageEntries : Object

    An object that contains pairs of label and the respective translation.