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The definition of a dialog window.

This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties that developers can use to define and create dialogs.

// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
// object with the appropriate properties.

CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'testOnly', function( editor ) {
    return {
        title:          'Test Dialog',
        resizable:      CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH,
        minWidth:       500,
        minHeight:      400,
        contents: [
                id:         'tab1',
                label:      'First Tab',
                title:      'First Tab Title',
                accessKey:  'Q',
                elements: [
                        type:           'text',
                        label:          'Test Text 1',
                        id:             'testText1',
                        'default':      'hello world!'
} );



  • buttons : Array

    The buttons in the dialog, defined as an array of CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.button objects.

    Defaults to [ CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]

  • contents : Array

    The contents in the dialog, defined as an array of CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.content objects. Required.

  • height : Number

    since 3.5.3

    The initial height of the dialog, in pixels.

    Defaults to CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.minHeight

  • minHeight : Number

    The minimum height of the dialog, in pixels.

    Defaults to 400

  • minWidth : Number

    The minimum width of the dialog, in pixels.

    Defaults to 600

  • onCancel : Function

    The function to execute when Cancel is pressed.

  • onHide : Function

    The function executed every time the dialog is closed.

  • onLoad : Function

    The function to execute when the dialog is displayed for the first time.

  • onOk : Function

    The function to execute when OK is pressed.

  • onShow : Function

    The function to execute when the dialog is loaded (executed every time the dialog is opened).

  • resizable : Number

    How the dialog can be resized, must be one of the four contents defined below.

  • title : String

    The dialog title, displayed in the dialog's header. Required.

  • width : Number

    since 3.5.3

    The initial width of the dialog, in pixels.

    Defaults to CKEDITOR.dialog.definition#minWidth