CKFinder 3 Documentation

Upgrading from CKFinder 2.x to 3.x

The aim of this article is to explain the differences between configuration options available in CKFinder 2 and CKFinder 3.

Upgrading CKFinder for PHP

The detailed instruction about upgrading CKFinder for PHP is available in CKFinder 3 – PHP Connector Documentation.

Configuration Options Migration - JavaScript Settings

The following table sums up the differences between the client side options (defined in config.js or passed inline when creating CKFinder instances) available in CKFinder 2 and CKFinder 3. Options new in CKFinder 3 that were not available in CKFinder 2 are not listed here.

CKFinder 2.x CKFinder 3.x Additional Comments
baseFloatZIndex - N/A
callback onInit -
connectorInfo connectorInfo -
connectorPath connectorPath -
customConfig configPath -
defaultDisplayDate defaultDisplayDate -
defaultDisplayFilename defaultDisplayFileName -
defaultDisplayFilesize defaultDisplayFileSize -
defaultLanguage defaultLanguage -
defaultSortBy - N/A
defaultViewType - N/A
directDownload - N/A
disableHelpButton - Disabling any toolbar button is possible by listening for the toolbar:reset:* events and changing
disableThumbnailSelection - Internal thumbnails work differently in CKFinder 3 and it is impossible to "select" them in any way. Users are allowed to choose resized images via "Choose Resized" button, the exact behavior is configurable via server side ACL settings and server side image configuration.
extraPlugins plugins -
fileIcons fileIcons See also fileIconsPath, fileIconsSizes.
gallery_autoLoad - CKFinder 3 is using its custom gallery module.
gallery_config - N/A
height height -
id id The default behavior has changed. The id is not sent to the server connector automatically, it has to be specified in config.pass.
language language -
logStackTrace - N/A
maxSimultaneousUploads - N/A
popupFeatures - N/A
popupTitle - N/A
readOnly readOnly See also config.readOnlyExclude.
rememberLastFolder rememberLastFolder -
removePlugins removeModules -
resourceType resourceType -
selectActionData - Possible by listening for the files:choose event and passing listenerData to the event listener (see the on documentation).
selectActionFunction - Possible by listening for the files:choose event.
selectMultiple - N/A
selectThumbnailActionData - Possible by listening for the file:choose:resizedImage event and passing listenerData to the event listener (see the on documentation).
selectThumbnailActionFunction - Possible by listening for the file:choose:resizedImage event.
showContextMenuArrow - CKFinder 3 comes with a contextual toolbar that perfectly works for mobile devices, so it's not needed.
sidebarWidth primaryPanelWidth See also config.secondaryPanelWidth.
skin skin See also
startupFolderExpanded startupFolderExpanded -
startupPath startupPath -
tabIndex tabIndex -
thumbnailDelay thumbnailDelay CKFinder 3 comes with resizable thumbnails, additional related options are available.
uiColor - See Creating a Custom Theme with jQuery Mobile Theme Roller and Creating a Custom Skin.
useNativeIcons - N/A
width width -

For the list of changes in server side options (defined in config.php) check Configuration Options Migration - PHP Settings.