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class since 4.4.0 inherited

A Code Snippet highlighter. It can be set as a default highlighter using CKEDITOR.plugins.codesnippet.setHighlighter, for example:

// Create a new plugin which registers a custom code highlighter
// based on customEngine in order to replace the one that comes
// with the Code Snippet plugin.
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'myCustomHighlighter', {
    afterInit: function( editor ) {
        // Create a new instance of the highlighter.
        var myHighlighter = new CKEDITOR.plugins.codesnippet.highlighter( {
            init: function( ready ) {
                // Asynchronous code to load resources and libraries for customEngine.
                customEngine.loadResources( function() {
                    // Let the editor know that everything is ready.
                } );
            highlighter: function( code, language, callback ) {
                // Let the customEngine highlight the code.
                customEngine.highlight( code, language, function() {
                    callback( highlightedCode );
                } );
        } );

        // Check how it performs.
        myHighlighter.highlight( 'foo()', 'javascript', function( highlightedCode ) {
            console.log( highlightedCode ); // -> <span class="pretty">foo()</span>
        } );

        // From now on, myHighlighter will be used as a Code Snippet
        // highlighter, overwriting the default engine.
        editor.plugins.codesnippet.setHighlighter( myHighlighter );
} );
