CKFinder 3 Documentation

Integration with CKEditor 5

Note: If you want to integrate CKFinder with CKEditor 4, refer to the Integration with CKEditor 4 article.

The integration between CKEditor 5 and CKFinder is based on a dedicated plugin, which is by default included and enabled in all CKEditor 5 Builds.

For detailed information about the integration between CKEditor 5 and CKFinder, refer to the CKFinder file manager integration article in the CKEditor 5 documentation.

Quick Example

The code example below presents a full integration mode.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>CKEditor 5 Integration Example</title>
    <div id="editor"></div>

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/ckfinder/ckfinder.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

        .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
            ckfinder: {
                uploadUrl: '/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files&responseType=json'
            toolbar: [ 'ckfinder', 'imageUpload', '|', 'heading', '|', 'bold', 'italic', '|', 'undo', 'redo' ]
        } )
        .catch( function( error ) {
            console.error( error );
        } );
